I came across an article about Sex Magick a few months back. The author claimed to have done a Sex Magick ritual that drastically changed her life.
What it is
Before I continue, Sex Magick (or Magic) is the process of harnessing the power of female sexual energy to "manifest" an intention.
Creative by nature and Pisces by heart, I've always been sensitive to energies and interested in all things magical. Advantageous too is that I've made a career out of better sex so it's pretty much at the top of my agenda on a daily basis! So with stars aligned and interest piqued I started reading up on it.
A few weeks later, almost as if I had called upon her, practicing Sangoma Gogo Nonhlanhla arrived at my shop for a completely different purpose. I'm sure you can guess what happened next! I am a lover of learning new things and the serendipity of it all was too great to ignore!
Time for class!
Our first Sex Magick class was well attended. The room was filled with incense, mystery, a buzz of excitement and an eagerness to learn.
The next few hours were a lot to take in. So much so that it's taken a few weeks for me to process my thoughts into words about it.
Sex Magick is by no means a new phenomenon or ritual to master, but the processes are intricate. We learned about how to create sigils and the various activation methods that you can make use of.
There were many, many questions which meant that we steered off course quite a bit too which was great because it was super interesting and entertaining!
We covered ancillary topics like spirit guides (and how to find them), ancestors who guide us and the power of meditation. We also shared stories which each other of our own experiences and we laughed A LOT! What a fantastic bonding experience!
This will most certainly be one of the most enlightening and real experiences I've had in a long while. I could hit repeat on it in a heartbeat!
Gogo Nonhlanhla is someone you instantly feel a connection with. She is relatable and understanding and a very easy person to interact with. Knowledgeable and energetic, wise and comforting.
She gave us each our own workbooks at the start of the lesson to work through during our time together and we got to take them home to refer back to afterwards which is most helpful!
I maintain, irrespective of what it is that you believe in, channeling your energy (and very powerful sexual energy) into your wants and desires holds a heck of a lot of power.
I was left mesmerized, inspired and eager to implement what I had learned.
After all, practice makes perfect! ;)
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