We-Vibe Unite was left for last in the age-old tradition of saving THE BEST for last.
This little joy toy will ruin a fuck buddy friendship and make you fall in love.
If you plan on investing in something for the toybox, I would sacrifice a few Woolworths shopping sprees and put the bucks towards this devious device...Wow!
To peg or be pegged? What does it feel like? What need or desire does it fulfil? How can it enhance your relationship? Read on as we get all the intimate with a JHB couple around the subject...
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We agree, the phrase ‘Scheduled Sex’ doesn’t sound particularly sexy.
Let’s face it though, life creeps in to all the action that we could be having, and although we’ve been primed on the novelty of sex and the thrill of the chase, sometimes it just doesn’t pan out that way.