On top of that, I felt in touch with myself and my capacity as a man – and what all of that means – in a way so profound that it was almost spiritual.
I said it in a previous episode, but it’s worth repeating: the device may have been invented with the intent to emasculate, but with me, it was the opposite.I never felt more powerfully masculine than I did while caged.
From a mental and emotional point of view, this is absolutely brilliant.
I’ve never given as much attention to Willie John as I have the last week.The sexual energy is terrific, a level of erotic tension I’ve not had in many, many years.
I’ve never felt more alive, and more like a man, since Miss Carmen took control of my cock. And I’m loving every second of it.
What has generally been a fetish or kink practice is now becoming more of a mainstream treat as our South African women add these devices to their toyboxes for their lovers to enjoy...View Post