We know all about being too busy for sex!

The modern world is a place where we are constantly in a hurry. We busy ourselves with various responsibilities from family and kids to our social lives and working duties. We make plans, fulfill them with passionate dedication yet, more often than not we lack time for our personal sex life and other intimate issues.

The most important thing to remember is that a happy life is a balance between all spheres of well-being. So, if you want to be happy, prioritise better sex and not just your bank balance.

Is an active sex life important to you and your partner? If your sex life has taken a back seat try some of these useful tips, as shared by expert Rebecca Shinn, to spice it up!


Use Your Daily Planner for a Better Sex Life 


Do you have a daily planner? What is on your to do list every day? Do you go to the gym or swimming pool, carve out time for coffee breaks or buy groceries for dinner?

One of the secrets to an active sex life is to add your intimate life to the must-do list. It is said the people need 21 days to turn anything into a habit. We have to perform the same action 3 weeks in a row without any breaks before it becomes a habit.

Modern technology can diversify your sex life in a wonderful way. Why not set a reminder on your phone to check in with your partner or send a special text?  

Some of the best dating sites in 2021 insist that even ordinary hookups become mundane over time. Yet, lack of any kind of routine kills romance more than routine itself so try to avoid prioritising other things over your sex life.

Bring the passion back to your life, you do not necessarily need to start with sex. Focus on communication with your partner, move to hugs and kisses. Kissing may stimulate romantic desires, but it is also is a fantastic way of decreasing stress which greatly contributes to a healthier sex life. Do something relaxing together before sex. Watch some movies, play a video game together and build new connections with your favourite. All the time you spend together enjoying life enhances overall intimacy. 


Some experts maintain that it is better to be romantic and spontaneous, however, when we speak about a long-term strategy, it is better to rely on planning.


Seperate Work From Home

As difficult as it might be, try your best to leave work at the office. If you want to experience all the benefits of an active sex life, never mix these boundaries. When you close the office door, leave it there and focus on your better half.

As most of us have grown accustomed to working from home, a clear seperation between working and family hours needs to be maintained. A great way of doing this is to create specific work and relax zones in house. When the working day is over, clean your table and leave the business alone. Step out of the 'work zone' and back into your home. 

Use Your Five Senses

Our sex lives encompass every sensitive zone of our bodies. Using all five senses may arouse the feelings that you have for each other as your body recalls previous experiences  enjoyed together.

Find those candles and the familiar sensual fragrance, get the dessert that you both like. Women need more time to turn on, so make use of these basic strategies as a way to improve your sex life.

What music were you listening to when you were dancing for the first time? Do you remember the feelings that you experienced? Try to revive them again.


Talking to Your Partner

Talking to your partner about your sex life in particular is extremely important. Sometimes, problems appear when two adults feel shameful to express what they are into for fear of judgement by the other. It's not easy to discuss such delicate issues, especially when your relationship is already strained.

First of all, find an appropriate time and space to bring up the subject. Raising the topic in public or when you are both distracted with something else is fruitless. Pick a cosy and comfortable space and try to maintain positivity. If you have no idea how to have a better sex life, ask your partner to share their thoughts. Avoid arguing or criticizing each other, this serves no purpose. After all, you want to improve the situation and understand both of your needs. 

Do you want your partner to be more communicative in general? Share something they felt shy about before? Do you have any fetishes? What arouses you most of all?


Be Healthy

A happy, healthy life is a balance between body and soul. Your sex life will suffer if you're burnt out at work and have poor health.

Physical activity goes a long way in maintaining a great sex life. Exercise regularly, including strength and aerobic workouts. Arousal is connected to heart pressure and blood flow so aerobic sessions will come in handy. So in answer to the question “Does an active sex life make for happier couples?” If you want to have regular sex, you have to improve your health.


Keep the Kids Away

No matter how much we love our children, we all can admit that in most cases they hamper our intimacy. It's difficult to get intimate when you're worried about what your kids might or might not hear through the door. 

So if you plan a special intimate occasion, try to find a nanny for the kids or give them a highly engaging activity to keep them busy. 

Do you have any special tips that you can share with us? Share them in the comments section below.

Author’s Bio:

Rebecca Shinn is a expert on romantic tips during self-isolation. Her field of expertise is relationships, dating, and marriage. The important part of Rebecca’s practice is to help couples with communication skills, problem-solving skills, stress management, or financial skills. 

Rebecca started writing 2 years ago to inspire and help people have better dating lives, healthier relationships and/or find ways to keep their marriages strong.  

Rebecca is a proud mother and wife and uses her knowledge to not only help others but also to keep her family strong and happy.

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