17 January 2025
Pre-piercing panic sets in on the day of the big event. You see, at the time of agreeing to have JacS over the thought process was simple: I want it to feel lekker, let's have a pleasurable 2025. FUCK YES! Done.
When the nerves catch up with you it’s more like HELL NO, but by then it's too late to cancel.
The morning of the appointment got me very distracted. I mean, someone is getting up close and personal with your vagina. It needs to be extra sparkly today. Your mind goes to all kinds of places. We all know what we look like but do we really know know? I wonder how many different vaginas JacS has seen and how interesting it is that we’re all so different and then it hits me like a ton of bricks. I cannot recall what a Deep T is. Where in the hell have I agreed to have this piercing go?
After that I start panicking about whether I am supposed to be wearing granny panties for after. At this stage I end up forgetting all the pre piercing instructions and spray my favourite perfume on top, I’m considerate like that. (This is not preferred btw, pre-prep no no).
Here’s the thing, I am not always comfortable going in completely unprepared. I have also never paid much attention to the topic of intimate piercings. It’s not something that comes up a lot. OK, nipple piercings perhaps and maybe cute little vejazzlers but I don't think until the time of us interviewing JacS on Lola's Lessons that I have ever discussed this with anyone in great detail. So, I’m pretty much going in cold.
But in this instance and for the sake of making it a completely spontaneous escapade I decided that going in cold was probably the best thing to do. Given the deeply intimate nature of the mission, this was more than likely a mistake.
This is what I don’t know going into the appointment (even after the prep call with JacS), partly because I really didn't think to ask and mostly because, well, panic and instant memory loss. I write them down for when she arrives later -
1 – How sore will it be? I clearly didn't pay enough attention during the podcast when we covered this. I was too busy fantasizing about having a little pleasure partner live on in my pants forevermore... whoops.
2 – Where exactly is this Deep T going (as in exactly exactly).
3 – How long afterwards are you out of action for? (I remember her saying something about 3 or 4. Not sure if it was 3-4 days or 3-4 weeks).
4 – Terminology. I think I am getting a Deep T (or was it a V?) There are also VCH’s which to the best of my memory are the pretty hood ones. The vejazzling kind. I’d like to know what to call my piercing when I’ve had it so that I can be on point!
5 – Are you allowed to numb it, is it best to numb it? If so, what is the best numbing agent to use. Was I supposed to bring it?
6 – When do we stretch it? From what I remember stretching is when all the goodness comes into play and THIS is what I’m here for!
7 – Can something go horribly wrong to make me lose all feeling in my clit forever? What are the stats?
8 – Wait! Are you going through my clit???
Thankfully before I fall to the floor, never to get up again, my friend Gerry arrives! He flicks his Fuck Yes, Hell No coin and this game determines that all will indeed be well and I am duly calmed down!
Shortly after that one of my most adventurous girlfriends (who is also joining for the piercing) arrives and at 15h00 sharp JacS is at the door! Eeek!!!
JacS is excited, me and my piercing buddy are dying on the inside.
I take out my vaginal mould so we can see EXACTLY where this is going. Deep T, triangle, the most intense version that you could possibly have that goes right around the stem of your clit. Easy...
We get briefed on the procedure, the benefit of the different types of jewellery, what works best for what bits and off we go! No more questions no more freak out, it’s time to get to business!
JacS genuinely just makes everything better, her excitement is contagious and her knowledge and experience is very comforting.
The set up is quick, despite the fact that we’re not in her studio. She is going full mobile for us, the steriliser is out doing its thing and all that we need is set up beautifully.
Gerry is on standby, our rock, and his calm nature really helps keeps the nerves at bay.
JacS is an easy-going type of personality and most professional so baring it all is a walk in the park. Feet together, knees apart. She explains that she needs to go digging, this could be arousing which, admittedly, it kind of was 🤣
There is a liberal amount of numbing wound spray applied.
Once she has the important bits gripped firmly in her hands it’s go time! You need to take a deep breath in while she starts and a deep breath out. 'You're going to feel a pinch’ she says, this is more than a just a pinch but it's over quick enough (even though my eyes told a different story). I forget to keep breathing so she reminds me. Step 2, continuing through the other side, this was easier than the first. As quickly as it started its done! JacS pulls the ring through and voila! Breathe breathe breathe!!
I have a peep, it looks GORGEOUS and BADASS and makes its presence known 🤣
There is still a numbing effect but the sensation is evident straight out of the starting gates. There are waves of arousal, self-accomplishment, awe, lots of feelings. This is by no means a straightforward piercing, it's deep and complex but thankfully JacS knows her stuff and how to handle all the emotions.
Once I’m done and breathing and all cleaned up (there was a little bleeding), my piercing buddy comes up for her turn and I get to see what JacS is doing. Mesmerising. My piercing buddy handles it like the brave lady that she is 😊 All in all from start to finish about 13 minutes each (thank you Gerry for timing it for us!).
All the euphoria follows. What a great bonding experience between my piercing buddy, Gerry, JacS and I. Properly not as scary as it felt this morning (other than the ‘pinch’ – but hey!)
JacS re-iterates the care instructions from cleaning to meds and how to get the most out of the healing process.
Badass. Bling. Satisfying. Brave.
Also, no action remember? Well, post piercing had me concerned about whether or not my clit was indeed still functioning, so I busted out my Satisfyer Pro and gave it a whirl that night (which I still haven’t fessed up to JacS so JacS if you're reading this know that I specifically chose the touchless stimulation toy – for, well, science).
Healing post procedure would have been far more comfortable if I had followed all instructions. My piercing buddy has done a great job, on point, and her healing time is far quicker than mine.
I was out all of Saturday running errands and never got more Ibuprofen. The swelling took a lot longer to go down and I found myself legs splayed in front of the fan on Saturday night because it was just eina.
Sunday I did a lot of walking around in pants. Not the brightest idea but Green Day and Offspring were unfortunately just not able to move the show out by a few days for me and my vag ;)
JacS did a lot of post procedure following up and asked me very nicely yesterday to please get Ibuprofen. Which I did. Healing on Ibuprofen is far quicker and I'm glad I got around to getting it now. It’s officially day 5 of having a new friend in my pants and there is no swelling, no discomfort and my check up with JacS is tomorrow!
Also, it's starting to feel festive down here! 😉
All in all, hands down an experience well worth having! I love finally having something extra to play with. I love also knowing wherever I go it’s there. Like a naughty little secret, that’s the feeling and I LOVE that!
Very much looking forward to giving it a test drive, let’s see if I can wait another 3 weeks....
Thankfully, JacS will be spending more time getting your pleasure prioritised in future. Body Art Initiative is owned, co-managed and operated by Jac Sandra Wyld. JacS started piercing in 2005 and expanded to training piercers in 2019. She is an empathetic well-experienced genital/intimate piercer that believes each client should be comfortable and well-informed about the intended piercing prior to the piercing being done.
Each intimate piercing appointment includes a free consultation about the care, wearing of the intended piercing and a short discussion of alternate piercings.
For all of the above reasons we’ve decided to welcome her to the Play With Me stable as our preferred pleasure piercer. I’ll be sharing all event and product info with you very soon and I have no doubt that you’re going to love it!
Most importantly, I am happy that you will be left in extremely capable hands.
In the meantime, stop bothering me because I have something new to play with 😉
Founder: Play With Me