Tease! A Blow Wave Of Sexual Awakening

It was with much excitement that we headed off to the Auto & General Theatre On The Square last night to get our Tease! on…

Mind. Blown.

Directed by JOSE DOMINGOS, a truly stellar performance was put on by first lady of comedy TUMI MORAKE and the original ‘CaveWOman’ VANESSA FROST as they invited us into the world of Eva and Neo who are best friends and partners in a suburban hair salon. At a crossroads in their personal lives, they stumble into an adult toy shop one evening and come up with the idea of selling toys at Tease!

Between Eva and Neo and the various characters that come through the salon doors, each one has their own story to share around life, sex and relationships. Some of these topics really hit home, it’s personal, but so easy to relate to. Tease! brings forth truth in an incredibly humorous, yet relevant way. The show brilliantly portrays the battles we all face on a personal level as our sexuality unfolds in real life. We all have many unanswered questions around our own sexuality, whether we realise it or not, which, in itself, can be very isolating. Tease! answered the unanswered for us.

We howled with laughter, shed some tears, nodded our heads in agreement, and then we laughed some more!

Heading home after the show, I personally had a massive grin plastered on my face. Knowing full well that we, alone, are masters of denying ourselves the great experience of pleasure. Tease! brings forth an ever important reminder to us all that we are indeed entitled to experience all the thrills and joy that our bodies are made to experience, without shame.

Ask yourself this question: ‘Do I deserve to feel pleasure?’ The answer is very simply, YES!

As I sit here reminiscing, I have all the feels, all over again. Deeply touched, and still very much entertained!

Play With Me salutes the Tease! team for working tirelessly to drive the message of sexual health forward in such a refreshing, honest and positive light!

Tease! really does have a little something for everyone, so grab your bestie or the apple of your eye and get your tickets to this sell out performance as soon as you can! Tease! will leave you feeling much lighter, more understood, accepted and most of all normal.

This MUST SEE show runs until 21 March 2019 and bookings can be made directly with the venue, Auto & General Theatre on the Square, Sandton (011 883 8606), or at Computicket.

Be bold, stay playful!


Founder: Play With Me


Play With Me was created to provide the market with a much-needed holistic approach to sex and relationships. In the words of the company's founder: "It's vital to the success of any healthy relationship to find the 'self' in sexual self-awareness. By investing in your own sexual pleasure, coupled with our adult toys, you complete the circle of self-discovery and open yourself up to true intimacy in your relationships."

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