
Kink Photography Package Johannesburg | 2hr Shoot

  • R 4,000.00
  • - 0%

To stand in front of the camera in your full glory, to proudly be who and what you are, to experience the freedom of restraint, to see the beauty of what you are actually capable of is a liberating experience. Come experience the magic of light and the lens. You will never feel as free! - Gerry

Having an intimate photoshoot allows you to see yourself – and possibly, your partner – in a different light. Erotic, risqué, or downright kinky, to experience yourself captured in sculpted light is an experience for the sake of it – having photos to take home is a bonus.

There is a reason Melanie Rose from "How to Build A Sex Room" fame encourages people to have intimate photos taken. There is great power there.  There is great freedom there. There is an expression of love represented as beauty – either to be hung on a wall and flaunted, or to be kept as a treasured secret.

Your package includes:

- Basic hair and make-up

- 5 to 10 digital photos (quality over quantity)

About your photographer:

Gerry spends his time being creative. When he was in his late twenties – two decades ago, now — he fell face first into the Johannesburg BDSM community and became Joburg's, if not SA's, foremost male pro-Dom and acquired a reputation in ropework and rigging. And then he took photos of it. 

As a working commercial photographer, he made a name for himself with erotic/risqué and downright kinky photography. An eternal sophist, he has a very philosophical approach to both kink and photography. And then he writes novels because he is bored. Gerry is a Reluctant Widower living and working in Roodepoort with his two dogs and a stuffed hippo.


I was looking for a photographer first and foremost that I would feel comfortable with, someone that would "read" me and know what I was wanting and looking to accomplish.

Gerry makes one feel completely at ease in your own skin, whether you are totally covered up, doing a boudoir or even a nude shoot. Any human being is nervous that first time in front of a camera but his professionalism comes to the fore. He makes you feel relaxed and confident about yourself the whole time.

Once the session is under way you get this amazing under current running through you of being the most beautiful person in front of his lens, but even more astonishing is that feeling when it's over and done ... you honestly feel like a million dollars.

The finished product just speaks for itself and I hardly have the words to describe that heart stopping moment when you look at yourself and think ... that's "ME" that is really just me looking and feeling years younger and absolutely amazing.


Op ouderdom 48 ... 'n bondage shoot wil ek doen, maar die lyfie is nie meer wat dit eens was nie en bitter selfbewus oor hoe ek lyk...

Ek en 'n vriendin veel ouer as ek het Gerry opgekommandeer om magic te kom doen...Gerry het gesien hoe moeilik dit vir my was ... Hy het my eenkant toe gevat en met my begin gesels, hy het my meer op my gemak gestel en my vriendin het my n paar tequilas gevoer

Wel, daardie dag het ek die meeste fun gehad, ons het gelag en gejoke en die tyd het verby gevlieg. As ek vandag terug dink aan daardie dag is ek dankbaar dat Gerry ons shoot gedoen het, hy was profesioneel, maar fun en magic het hy gedoen, my foto's was sexy en tasteful en ai, as ek daardie dag weer kan doen en weer en weer...

- Vicki

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