
Clone A Willy Kit Glow-in-the-Dark Pink

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Make a vibrating silicone replica of any penis with the Clone-A-Willy do it yourself kit.

The most personalized vibrating sex toy you'll ever be able to create!  Makes for an awesome gift, or a night of fun - whichever you prefer! Either way, you'll never lose your lover in the dark again!

The glow in the dark Clone-A-Willy's quick-set moulding process produces incredible life-like detail. Each kit contains everything you need to create an exact glowing replica of any penis.

Easy to make:

1. Mix the body-safe moulding powder with water.
2. Pour mixture into tube and insert ERECT penis.
3. Pull away mould and fill with body-safe silicone.
4. Wait 24 hours and slide out the new glow-in-the-dark replica of your own penis.

The Clone-A-Willy moulding powder, once mixed, is known to set extremely quickly, it is advisable that the 'clonee' is FULLY ready at the time the solution is mixed to avoid a failed experiment.

Two hands, in this case, are generally better than one... 

If you need another bag of Clone-A-Willy moulding powder, you can get one here. It includes enough material to make one mould.

* This kit uses top quality body-safe materials and is phthalate & latex free.
*1 AA Battery NOT included.