Do I have to eat only the food recommended on the list, or can I combine any food to meet the 800 calories?
The food listed in the diet protocol is very specific to the diet plan and how it works. For the best, most optimal results, we recommend following the diet plan as closely as possible. Any substitutions or straying from the diet can affect the weight loss.
Can I take this when on my menstrual cycle, and if I do what will happen?
Yes. If you have already been taking HCG Activator and get your menstrual cycle, you can continue to take the supplement at this time. You may notice a slight slowdown or stall of the weight loss during your time of month, but once your cycle is over, the weight loss should resume.
Can I take this with other medications?
If you are on prescription meds or under the care of a doctor for an existing medical condition, we advise speaking to your doctor before starting any new supplementation or diet program.
Being on this for a while, I feel so satisfied--do I have to eat all the food on the plan every day?
Yes, the appetite suppressant in the supplement is fantastic! However, it is very important not to go under 500 calories each day. You must eat at least the 500 calories every day to continue to lose weight. Taking in less than this can cause your body to go into starvation mode and weight loss to stop. It’s a good idea to keep track of your daily calorie intake as different combinations of foods can change the number of calories consumed.
Will I gain all the weight back after I have lost it with HCG Activator?
The important thing to remember is when weight loss is achieved if you go back to old habits, overindulging on unhealthy foods or just plain overeating, you can gain weight. However, if you apply the knowledge you have gained during your weight-loss journey, such as portion control, cooking healthy, and making better choices, you should be able to maintain your new weight successfully.
Can both men and women take this?
Yes. Both men and women can take HCG Activator, and studies show men have had more success with it than women.
Why are some fruits and veggies allowed but not others?
The diet is designed to avoid high sugar, starch, and fats. Although fruits and veggies are good for you, some tend to be higher in sugars and starches than others. For the best results, stick to the fruits and veggies that are listed in the diet.
Why are so many people calling the HCG weight loss “cure”?
Lots of HCG users call it a weight loss “cure” rather than just another weight loss method, After finishing the program and losing the weight, it resets your body to use stored fat for energy when it detects calorie reduction for a period of time. It then helps you optimally maintain your weight and efficiently keep off the kilograms and centimeters you have shed.
Will the HCG Diet help me keep my weight off?
According to Dr.Simeons, the first doctor to pioneer the HCG Diet, if the HCG diet protocol is followed the ending result will be that the hypothalamus gland (the gland that helps regulate weight & metabolism) will be reset. Dr Simeons suggests that the body rethinks how to handle stored fat and appetite. With proper diet and exercise the weight loss with the HCG diet can last a lifetime.
What is the difference between the base & premium package?
The base package does not include the alcohol swabs or syringes whereas the premium package does. If you order the base package you will need to source your own alcohol swabs & insulin syringes.
Can I mix more than 1 vial of HCG at a time?
No, if you have ordered more than one month’s supply remember that you should only mixed the vial you are using for that month as the contents will expire after 35 days. When you finish with the first vial then only should you mix your next vial. If injected correctly 1 vial should last between 30-33 days.
Why don’t you offer Vitamin B12 Injections in conjunction with your HCG?
HCG is at its most stable structure when mixed with Sterile Water; if you mix Vitamin B12 into the HCG Vial instead of Sterile Water it becomes fairly unstable & is therefore not as effective.
It is also important to keep in mind that HCG is injected subcutaneously (meaning into the fat layer) whereas Vitamin B12 is supposed to be injected intramuscularly (meaning deep into the muscle). If Vitamin B12 is injected subcutaneously there is a risk that the person can develop something called acquired lipodystrophy (where dents appear at the areas where one injects & in some cases all the underlying structures are affected - this is called panatrophy), lipodystrophy can affect all of the body (generalised lipodystrophy) or just parts of the body (partial lipodystrophy). This is easily avoided by ensuring medication is injected correctly.
It is recommended that you inject HCG & Vitamin B12 separately. Vitamin B12 is very important & if you feel confident enough to inject intramuscularly then please ask your doctor for a prescription for B12 as it is now a scheduled 3 drug which means a person is no longer allowed to buy it over the counter in pharmacies & health stores. Alternatively you can visit the sister nurse at Clicks or Dischem & ask them to administer your Vitamin B12 injections once a week. If none of these options appeal to you, you can purchase Vitamin B12 capsules & take them according to the recommended daily dosage.
If HCG is made in a woman’s body, does that mean that only women can benefit from the HCG Diet?
The HCG hormone is made in a woman’s body, but its functions are related to metabolism and energy. For this reason, men can usually successfully use the HCG hormone without sex-related side effects, and most of the time, men lose more weight than women on the diet.
How much weight does the average person lose on the HCG Diet?
Typically, a person will lose around one pound per day, but because each person is unique, this amount can vary. However, the HCG diet will usually not allow a person to be reduced beyond his or her normal and healthy weight. When this occurs, the body begins to feed on structural and essential fat, which is the fat that cushions organs and body tissues.
After finishing the HCG Diet, does the weight continue to stay off?
Most people are able to keep the weight off because the body resets its metabolism, and has a new set point. Also, people learn to implement new and improved lifestyle habits on the diet, and when they continue to eat healthy foods after the diet, the weight stays off.
Why do people regain their weight after finishing the diet?
People who regain their weight are those that continue to eat the same low calorie diet of 500 calories, which sends the body into starvation mode and makes the body store the food that is being consumed as fat. Other people who regain their weight go back to eating foods that are processed, greasy, carbohydrate laden, sugary, and full of fat and sugar. It is not realistic to continue to eat unhealthy food and expect to maintain weight loss.
How can I keep the weight off after finishing the HCG Diet?
After finishing the HCG diet, eating a diet filled with fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and healthy sources of fats and carbohydrates and doing a small amount of healthy exercise can help the weight loss to be maintained. Men and women should return to eating a regular amount of calories because they are no longer going to be getting energy from their fat storages, and a proper calorie intake will maintain their metabolism. Remember you can still treat yourself from time to time just don’t make a habit out of it.
What kinds of foods can I eat on the HCG Diet?
While on the HCG Diet, people are only allowed to eat certain foods. Usually low sugar fruits, such as oranges, grapefruits, apples, and strawberries and starch free vegetables are allowed. Lean meats, such as chicken and different kinds of fish, sugar free beverages, some dairy products & some starches.
Am I going to feel hungry on the HCG Diet?
The HCG hormone allows the body to release fat stores to supply nutrients. Usually, hunger is triggered by the need for nutrients and energy, and if a person is already getting calories from fat, they usually do not feel hungry.